Students’ demand for online learning at Binh Thuan Community College in Covid-19

Thi Yen Trang Le1, , Thi Thanh Hau Dang1
1 Department of Tourism - Culture, Binh Thuan Community College, Vietnam

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The Covid-19 pandemic has been outspreading worldwide and Vietnam in particular, negatively impacting on educational activities. Therefore, all educational institutions have their coping tactics. One tactical solution is entirely online training. This study aims to find out the needs and expectations of 265 full-time students at Binh Thuan Community College if they are required to study completely online during disease prevention. The study will select the possible and relevant factor tools of Selim (2007) into the general framework of Daniel and Yi-Shun (2008), including 3 group factors that affect the demand for online learning. They are user interface, community practice, and content and personalization. The results of the study show differences in the needs of online learning and identify 6 types of difficulties that students most often encounter with a complete online experience. Thereby, there is a more thoughtful preparation to effectively teach and learn online.

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