Guidelines for Authors
1. Regulations regarding author responsibilities
- The authors of the article are responsible for the legal aspects, content, and legality of the article. The authors must commit that the article does not conflict with the interests of individuals, units, or social organizations.
- Authors must adhere to the journal's publishing regulations; edit, supplement, and improve the article as requested by the reviewers and the Editorial Board.
- Authors are not allowed to submit the manuscript to another journal while awaiting the final decision of the Editor-in-Chief of the Dong Thap University Journal of Science.
- Authors must clearly and fully cite ideas, related research results that have been published and must be responsible for duplicate research results with publications elsewhere.
- Authors can withdraw the manuscript or revise and supplement information of the article within 07 days from the date of submission to the journal.
- In case of research ethics violation by the authors, the journal will reject the submission for 02 years.
- Authors submitting manuscripts to other journals while the manuscript is undergoing the peer-review process by the journal will result in the journal ceasing the evaluation process of the manuscript and not accepting the author's manuscript for publication for 02 years.
- If the manuscript is requested for revision for the third time by the Editorial Secretary but fails to comply with the regulations, the journal will not accept the manuscript.
- If the reviewed manuscript, requested for revision by the Editorial Board, and reminded by the Secretary for the second time, still exceeds the specified time limit, the Editorial Board will not consider it for publication in the journal.
2. Regulations on the format and content structure of the article
- The submitted manuscript must be original work, not previously published or currently under review by another journal. The manuscript should present scientific research results or review articles.
- The manuscript should be written in either Vietnamese or English, prepared in Microsoft Word, and formatted according to the journal's guidelines.
- Tables, charts, and figures should be placed appropriately and labeled with Arabic numerals in sequential order. Table and chart titles should be placed above them, while figure titles should be placed below them. Equations should be typeset using the Equation tool in Microsoft Word or the MathType software.
- Citations and references should be presented in APA format (the American Psychological Association reference style).
- Articles published in the journal should include the following content components:
+ Article title; names and addresses of authors; contact email of the corresponding author; abstract; keywords. For articles written in Vietnamese, additional information such as article title; names and addresses of authors; abstract; keywords should be provided in English.
+ Article content:
The structure of the article content typically includes:
Introduction (or problem statement, or background).
Literature review, research history, and development of hypotheses (if applicable).
Data (or materials) and research methods.
Results and discussion.
Conclusion and policy implications (if applicable).
Declaration of rights/Acknowledgments (if applicable).
Appendices (if applicable).
Guidelines for presenting manuscripts: Dowload
Information about the author(s): Dowload
Template for Article editing explanation: Dowload
3. Submission Process
- To submit a manuscript to the journal, authors need to register an account with all relevant information. Then, follow the submission process on the journal's online publishing management system. After completing all steps in the submission process, the corresponding author will receive an email confirmation from the journal regarding the completion of the submission process.
- Manuscripts that do not meet the requirements regarding the format and structure of the article will be returned to the corresponding author for revision and improvement. The author's time for revising and improving the manuscript should not exceed 30 days from the date of receiving the email from the Journal Secretary. The submission time will be counted from the time the Journal Secretary receives the manuscript that meets the requirements regarding the format and structure of the article.
4. Acceptance Process
- Upon receiving the manuscript from the author, the Journal Secretary will check and review the formal requirements, while also examining ethical issues related to research. Manuscripts that do not meet the specified requirements will be returned to the author for revision. Manuscripts that meet the requirements will be forwarded by the Journal Secretary to the Editor-in-Chief (or the Deputy Editor-in-Chief in charge of the specialized section) to assign a member of the Editorial Board to preliminarily review the content and make a decision on whether to send the manuscript for peer review. If so, the Editorial Board member will invite reviewers and oversee the entire review and editing process of the manuscript.
- Upon preliminary evaluation by the members of the Editorial Board, if the manuscript does not meet the requirements in terms of form and content quality, it will be rejected; and within 07 days (from the date the Secretariat board receives the manusript), the author will be notified of the rejection of the manuscript by the Secretariat board.