Conditions for hydrolysing catfish by-product as food for Tam Hoang chicken by Bacillus Subtilis

Uyen Nguyen Phan1, , Phuong Lan Tran1
1 An Giang University

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A huge amount of by-product is generated during processing Pangasius fillets. It is likely to cause environmental pollution and increase production costs in waste treatment. Utilizing by-product for value-added products not only solves these serious problems, but also brings about many other benefits. In this study, catfish by-product was hydrolyzed at pH=5.72, 1.25% Bacillus subtilis and 5.18% salt yielding hydrolysis with high protein content (13.00g/kg). Incorporating the obtained protein hydrolysate into the mixture of rice bran and wheat flour (7:3) in a ratio of 8:2 to produce food for Tam Hoang chicken species, it revealed that there was no statistically significant difference in the gained weight of chicken fed by this new food and the gained weight of those fed by regular comemercial one.

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