Identifying conspiracy and destroying tips of enemy forces on the internet and social networks at the Party Committee of Dong Thap Province's Agencies

Viet Thong Nguyen1,
1 Party Committee of Dong Thap Province's Agencies, Vietnam

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The social media have impacts widely, including officials, party members and union members of Dong Thap province's agencies. Identifying the plots and sabotage tactics of hostile forces on the social media helps protect the Party's ideology and fight against the wrong and hostile views of each Party Committee level, party organizations and socio-political organizations. Each individual participating in social media activities, especially officials and party members, needs to be equipped with knowledge and skills to identify wrong views and sinister plots of the hostile forces to destroy the Party's ideological foundation in order to have solid measures to fight and protect. The Party Committee of Dong Thap Province's Agencies have recently proactively researched and identified false and hostile information on the internet and social networks and well implemented the task of protecting the Party's ideological foundation to fight against hostile views and wrongs, ensure ideological stability, peace of mind at work, strive to well perform assigned responsibilities and tasks among cadres, party members, and union members in the Party Committee of Dong Thap Province's Agencies.

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