Ảnh hưởng của một số loại bột đến chất lượng của surimi cá basa trong bảo đông

Thi Hang Phuong Nguyen

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Cat-fish surimi is a refined form of minced fish meat, a clean ingredient, and a protein source, since its flavor components are removed by the washing process. It can be used as a versatile raw ingredient for making many kinds of value added seafood products. However, the quality of this ingredient is reduced during frozen storage. The initial research results showed that the effect of using some kinds of flour (wheat, glutinous rice and rice flour) as co-gel forming agents to improve frozen surimi quality. Some of the standard indexes related such as gel strength, plasticity, water-maintaining capacity and sensorial quality have increased significantly. The results revealed that using glutinous rice flour with appropriate ratios (<4%) could enhance the quality of cat-fish surimi during frozen storage than using wheat flour and rice flour.

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