Ứng dụng ảnh viễn thám xây dựng bản đồ hiện trạng rừng ở Đồng bằng sông Cửu Long

Huu l Nguyen, The Hung Pham

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In managing natural resource and monitoring environment, remote sensing is considered to be an effective tool to observe objects on the Earth’s surface as well as to monitor their changes over time. MODIS data with high temporal resolution and broad coverage provided freely by NASA can be used to monitor the objects in a large scale area. In this study, series of MOD13Q1 with 250m ground resolution and 16-day repeat cycle, taken in 2012 were used for calculating and assessing in combination with the surveys and the field trips to map the current state of forests in the Mekong Delta. As a result, a state map of forests in the Mekong Delta in 2012 was obtained with high accuracy and reliability. This can prove that applying MODIS data to establish the state maps of forests on the large scale area is entirely suitable.

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