Nghiên cứu qui trình sản xuất nước giải khát lên men từ củ năng

Quang Tri Le1
1 Tien Giang University

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Fresh water chestnut (Eleocharis dulcis) was washed, ground and gelatinized before optimizing the conditions for liquidizing, saccharifying and fermenting to produce the product. The result showed that a kind of fermented beverage from water chestnut having high sensory quality (16.8/20), containing functional compound as gallocatechin gallate and being useful for people’s heath - preventing osteoporosis, reducing bad cholesterol, and being antibacterian … was produced by this process. Water chestnut was ground in water in the ratio of 1/9, gelatinized at 100oC for 30 minutes, liquidized by a-amylase with the content of 0.01 ml/100 ml at 75oC for 60 minutes. Amyloglucosidase with the content of 0.03ml/100 ml was added and saccharified at 60oC for 120 minutes. Saccharomyces cerevisiae with the ratio of 2% (w/v) was added, adjusted to pH 5.5 and fermented at 30oC for 12 days.

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