J.Krishnamurti's life philosophy and practical values for educating humanities to the Vietnamese in the current phase

Thi Hong Yen Nguyen

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J.Krishnamurti was the 20th century’s great life philosopher. His philosophy raises issues to not only contemporary concerns but to all times because these are eternal problems in human life such as fate, existence, transcendence and deterioration. In his view, human deterioration in modern Western society is caused by the self filled with selfishnesses. He offered solutions to persuade people to purify individuals and social souls via such lifestyles as "life without focus", "Living is a timeless phenomenon, knowing is without contemplations and acting without intents". In fact, these are spiritual solutions, inclining to move and awaken the inner world, awakening individual consciousness in human life. Although these are not new in the philosophical and idealistic history, Krishnamurti's most important contribution is to point out the emerging problems in individual life as well as in modern society nowadays.

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