Effects of nutritional formulas on growth, development and yield of lettuce under floating hydroponic system

Hoang Phuc Thai1
1 Tien Giang University

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The study aimed to determine the suitable nutritional formula for the lettuce growth under floating hydroponic conditions. The experiment was conducted randomly with one factor and four repetitions. Treatments included fish manure (6% N + 2% P2O5 + 2% K2O), bio-fertilizer combined with NPK leaf fertilizer (16 - 6 - 20 – 2.5 MgO - 11 S – 0.5 B2O3)and two nutritional formulas C and D (redone in the Biological Lab, Tien Giang University). The results showed that nutrient D is suitable for the lettuce growth with its criteria of plant weight (7.29 g/tree), total yield (0.51 kg/tray), commercial productivity (0.43 kg/tray) and quality indicators are better than those of other treatments. Meanwhile, nutrition B is not suitable for lettuce plants under floating hydroponic conditions with the poorest growing plants of low weight (2.64 g/tree), total yield (0.26 kg/tray) and lowest commercial yield (0.25g/tree).

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