Guideline 13. Author

1. The article's author is responsible before the law for the article's quality, content, and legitimacy. The author must commit that the report does not have a conflict of interest with individuals, units, and social organizations.

2. The article's author must comply with the regulations on publishing articles in the Journal; edit, supplement, and complete the paper at the request of the reviewer and the Editorial Board.

3. The author is not allowed to send the draft of the article submitted to the Scientific Journal of Dong Thap University to another journal without the final decision of the Editor-in-Chief.

4. Authors must clearly and fully cite relevant ideas and research results that have been published and must be responsible for research results that overlap with scientific publications elsewhere.

5. The author is entitled to withdraw the manuscript of the article or adjust and supplement the article's information within 07 days from the submission date to the Journal.


Guideline 14. Regulations on the form and structure of the article's content

1. Manuscripts of articles submitted for publication must be original works that have never been published or are being submitted to other journals. Paper manuscripts are the results of a scientific study or review.

2. The manuscript is written in Vietnamese or English, edited on the Microsoft Word application, and conforms to the format of the Journal.

3. Tables, tables, and figures are placed in the correct positions shown and named with ordinal numbers in Arabic numerals. Names of tables and records above the tables and tables; The name of the drawing is shown below the figure. Formulas should be edited using the Equation tool on Microsoft Word or MathType software.

4. Cite and present references to the Journal's regulations.

5. Articles published in the Journal have the following contents:

a) Title of the article; the names and addresses of the authors; author's email contact; summary; keyword. For articles written in Vietnamese, information about the title of the article must be added; the names and addresses of the authors; summary; keywords in English. For articles written in English, information about the title of the article must be added; the names and addresses of the authors; summary; keywords in Vietnamese.

b) Content of the article:

The structure of the article content usually includes the following:

Introduction (or question, or introduction).

Theoretical overview, research history, and hypothesis development (if any).

Data (or materials) and research methods.

Results and Discussion.

Conclusion and policy implications (if any).

Statement of Interest/Acknowledgment (if any).


Appendix (if any).

Form of instructions for presenting manuscripts

Specify a list of references and citations

Form of explanation for editing articles at the request of reviewers

Posting contact address:

Dong Thap University Journal of Science

Room 108, Building H1, Dong Thap University

783 Pham Huu Lau, Ward 6, Cao Lanh city, Dong Thap.

Phone: (+84) 277 3883819

