Electronic library foundation at Dong Thap University: Practice and solutions

Trung Chanh Doan1,
1 Le Vu Hung Resources Center, Dong Thap University, Vietnam

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Library is a unit in the university. The library plays a vital role in education and training activities  to meet the needs of studying, teaching and researching is the reason for building an electronic library. It's an urgent need for Dong Thap University to have an electronic library to satisfy these mentioned demands. We carried out a questionnaire survey among administrators, lecturers, trainees and students on the practice of building the electronic library of Dong Thap University. The survey focused on some factors including electronic resources, technical and technological facilities, library staffs, private users and electronic library services. On that basis, the paper proposes a number of measures  to develop an increasingly effective electronic library at Dong Thap University, meeting the needs of teaching, researching and learning.

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