Assessing the impact of bird's nest houses on the environment in Rach Gia city, Kien Giang province

Bao Viet Le1, , Hoai My Luu2
1 Faculty of Environment, Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam
2 Student, Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam

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This study assessed the impact of bird's nest houses on the environment via the investigation and assessment of the current environmental status based on the reports on environmental impact assessment of one bird's nest house. The results show that the environment around the bird's nest house area was aff ected by the wastewater and garbage from the nest house farming. With the calculation of pollutant levels in wastewater, the assessment of the amount of generated waste, and the impact level of noise, it is found that the above impacts have yet to cause a heavy pollution impact, but corrective measures are needed to avoid long-term consequences.

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