Diverse groupings in teaching English-speaking skills

Le Nhut Long1,
1 Khoa Ngoại ngữ, Trường Đại học Đồng Tháp, Việt Nam

Nội dung chính của bài viết

Tóm tắt

This study aims to investigate the effects of diverse groupings on learners' English-speaking skills. Accordingly, diverse groupings as an intervention procedure were implemented over an English-speaking course. This course lasted 15 weeks and 48 EFL students from a university in Vietnam enrolled in the course. On the completion of the course, quantitative data were collected via a questionnaire surveying the involved students' evaluations of the effects of the intervention procedure. Meanwhile, participants' reflections on the course recorded in audio files served as qualitative data for the study. The obtained results from both quantitative and qualitative data reveal that participants highly valued the course because it facilitated their English speaking skills as well as cognitive and social skills. These positive effects were derived from practicing English speaking with various partners. In addition, qualitative data recorded their perspectives on different preferences for partners in group work. These patterns include partners’ English proficiency levels, sex, partnership selection, and working duration. On these results, pedagogical implications are addressed. Further expanded research in this regard within Vietnam and beyond is also suggested to overcome the present study’s limitations.    

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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