Rèn luyện kỹ năng dạy học cho sinh viên ngành sư phạm toán học trong giai đoạn dạy học theo hệ thống tín chỉ

Xuan Truong Le1
1 Dong Thap University

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Instructional skill practice (ISP) is always the concerns of schools of education. Thus, it is advisable to build up an adequate process of ISP for students (SS) as it will help improve the quality of teacher training in the current period. This article presents the ISP process for SS of mathematics education on the credit-based curriculum. It consists of three phases: Phase1: Integrate ISP of mathematics in the instructions of other related subjects; Phase 2: Organize ISP for SS in groups as extra-curriculum activities; Phase 3: Organize field trips for SS to implement learnt ISP at authentic school settings.

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