The relationship between coping appraisal, self-protection behaviors and travel intention of inbound tourists in the new normal in Can Tho city

Thi Thuy Van Nguyen1, , Thi Bao Tran Bui2, Huu Tuan Tran3
1 Event Management and Information Technology Department, School of Hospitality and Tourism, Hue University, Vietnam
2 Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Faculty, Can Tho FPT Polytechnic, Vietnam
3 Travel Management Department, School of Hospitality and Tourism, Hue University, Vietnam

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Protection motivation theory (PMT) has been applied in multidisciplinary studies, including tourism. This study was conducted to examine the relationship between coping appraisal (self-efficacy and responsive efficacy), self-protective behavior and travel intention of inbound tourists in the context of new normal (post-Covid-19) in Can Tho city. It surveyed 315 tourists intending to visit Can Tho city under the new normal condition and used the CB-SEM structural modeling method to analyze the data. The research results show that there is a positive relationship between coping appraisal with self-protective behavior and intentions. Thereby the research shows more clearly the behavior of domestic tourists in the context of new normal (post-Covid-19), from which some governance implications are given to be utilized.

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