A study on the Grand Monk Ha Minh Nhut

Thu Van Le1
1 An Giang University

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Ong Chuong islet in Cho Moi district, An Giang province has its developmental history of almost 320 years (1700 - 2019) with many unique cultural aspects. One of them is the anecdotes about historical figures. On its first days of residence, the celebrated Nguyen Huu Canh was a highly influential figure all over Ong Chuong islet. Later in the first half of the 19th century, in the small area of Kien An commune, there was another figure revered and respectedly called The Grand Monk Ha Minh Nhut by the local people. His life, merit and relationship with the head of Buu Son Ky Huong religion contain many sensational, interesting things that reflect relatively clearly the lifestyle, customs, beliefs, religion and so on of the local residence, but unfortunately these were not recorded in writing to pass on to their descendants. Therefore, in this article, we will give a brief presentation on biography and clarify the mysteries in the life of The Grand Monk Ha Minh Nhut, and at the same time explain his role in the relationship with The Buddhist Master Tay An Doan Minh Huyen, as such contributing to providing precise information about a cultural-historical character for the local resource of An Giang province.

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