Fake news - How to identify and prevent it

Vu Thi Giang Lam Tran1,
1 School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Can Tho University, Vietnam

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Creating, editing and publishing a news story nowadays have become easier than ever before thanks to the development of digital tools and Internet. However, this is also accompanied by a related risk of “fake news” for mis/disinformation being more and more generated, and transmitted at a faster rate on a large scale. In effect, fake news recently has become problematic for mass media in Vietnam and around the world. It has generated debates and research in media industry among journalism conferences, especially since post-elections in Europe and the 2016 US presidential election. This paper examines some basic issues related to “fake news” such as the definition of the term, how it spreads, some types of fake news and possible solutions to handle it.

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