Species diversity and distribution of earthworm in Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam

Thi Kim Binh Trinh1
1 Kien Giang University

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The earthworms of Phu Quoc island (Kien Giang province) were surveyed from 32 sampling sites in two habitat types: natural forests and cultivated lands. The obtained results are a total of 16 species belonging to 4 genera, 3 families. Among them, 13 species were recorded in Phu Quoc island for the first time, namely Metaphire houlleti, M. posthuma, M. planata, M. bahli, Amynthas sp.1, A. sp.2, A. sp.3, A. sp.4, A. sp.5; Metaphia sp.1, M. sp.2, M. sp.3 and Drawida sp. Of these three families, Megascolecidae is superior with 14 species (accounting for 87.5% total number of species), while the other two families (Rhinodrilidae and Moniligastridae) have one species each (6.25%). Of the 4 genera, Metaphire is superior with 9 species, while Amynthas has 5 species. Pontonscolex corethrurus, M. bahli and M. planata, are the most abundant species. The two habitats share a high species composition (>80%).

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