Geometry structure of Si12 clusters doped by one as atom

Thi Hong Tam Ngo1, , Minh Nguyet Pham2, Nguyen Trong Nghia Dinh1
1 Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry
2 University of Food Industry Ho Chi Minh City

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In this article, optimization of Si12 clusters structure doped by one, two and three As atoms was performed to determine the lowest energy isomers. The density functional theory (DFT) method was used with the hybrid B3LYP functional very suitable for the Si cluster. Accordingly, the relative strength of these isomers and the pure Si clusters were assessed by calculating their binding energy. The results show that the two-As-atom-doped Si12 cluster is strongest compared with the pure Si12 cluster and Si12 clusters doped by one or three As atoms.

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