Synthesizing Mg/Al hydrotalcites for catalyzing in aldol condensation reaction between acetone and benzadehyde

Thi Minh Nguyet Bui1,
1 Dong Thap University

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Hydrotalcites with different Al/(Al + Mg) ratios were prepared by coprecipitation method and their physicochemical properties were determined by TG-DTA, XRD and BET methods. The results showed that the Mg/Al hydrotalcite minerials were single-phase and mesoropor structure (specific surface area at 284 m2/g, pore radius about 46 Å). Moreover, it was found that the Mg/Al hydrotalcites with Al/(Al + Mg) ratio of 0.30 were best to catalyzing andol condensation between acetone and benzaldehyde. In the investigated conditions, benzaldehyde was mostly transformed completely after 120 minutes reacting.

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