Investigating the capacity of seafood processing wastewater treatment on N, W-codoped TiO2/bentonit photocatalyst

Van Hung Nguyen1, Thi Minh Nguyet Bui1, Vu Phong Le, Huu Nghi Nguyen
1 Dong Thap University

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Nanosized N, W-codoped TiO2/Bentonite materials were prepared by the wet agitation method of mixing N, W-TiO2 with bentonite, and were characterized by XRD, TEM and BET methods. The effects of time and amount of catalyst on the photodegradation process of organic compounds presented in fish processing industry were also investigated. The results showed that the obtained material had an average particle size of about 3.5 nm, specific surface area about 71.82m2g-1 and good capacity for treating wastwaters of fish processing industry. With the amount of catalyst about 150 grams per 100 liters of wastewater and the decomposition time about 6 hours, wastewater after treatment has reached level A, subject to national technical standards on wastewater.

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