Nghiên cứu đặc điểm sinh học và khả năng gây hại của sâu đục thân (Neurostrota gunniella Busck, 1906) trên cây mai dương (Mimosa pigra L.) ở ngoại ô thành phố Huế

Quang Vu Le, Van Giang Tran

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Mimosa (Mimosa pigra L.) is an exotic plant, which develops and spreads quickly, so it is classified as the world’s 3rd –ranked species of pest risk [3]. Biological treatments on this plant are still under trials, of which using natural enemies on the mimosa tree itself can be considered a long-term solution, safe and sustainable. This paper presents the life-cycle, metamorphosis, harm-causing potentials, and host specialization of this borer species (Neurostrota gunniella Busck, 1906). Its life-cylce lasts for 33-37 days. Young worms harm mimosas, making the branches dry and die. It is a highly host-specialization species at short times.

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