Impacts of the harvesting time and chemical treatments on "Java" rambutan quality (grown in Cho Lach, Ben Tre Province)

Thi Thu Hong Nguyen

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The study was conducted on surveys of impacts, including (i) the maturation (80 ÷ 100 days), (ii) post-harvest handling conditions [citric acid (0.25; 0.5; 0.75%) in combination with calcium chlorur (0.2; 0.3; 0.4%), ozonation (1; 1.5; 2 ppm) within 5 minutes] to the quality of post-harvest of “Java” rambutan (grown in Cho Lach, Ben Tre). Research results showed that the best harvesting time was 90 - 95 days after flowering, fruit in bright red, Brix degree of 17.5÷19. The quality criteria of fruit changed significantly. "Java" rambutan quality could be preserved up to 15 days when they were treated post-harvesting by citric acid together with calcium chlorur (0.5%, 0.4%), and stored in PP bag at 10°C.

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