Ảnh hưởng của một số yếu tố lên hoạt độ protease ngoại bào trong chế phẩm koji tương sản xuất từ chủng Aspergillus oryzae N2 nuôi cấy trên môi trường bán rắn
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This study examined the effects of such elements as flour ratio, the initial moisture, the ratio of fungi inserted and time needed on the making of extracellular protease Aspergillus oryzae N2 in a semi-solid solution (rice bran and chaff) in order to produce the soy-sauce of koji. Results showed that the protease action reached 699 (U/g dry matter) with an addition of 6% flour into the culture medium, 3.2 times higher compared to that of only rice bran and chaff (219 U/g dry matter). The suitable initial moisture for the production of protease was 55%. The koji had the highest protease action after 72 hours incubation at room temperature when the medium was added 0.3% (w/w) fungi of 772 (U/g dry matter). After being fermented, the koji was dried at 400C - 450C within 6 hours to get the equilibrium moisture of 6.3% before packaging.
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