Managing life skills education activities for students in Thot Not district lower secondary schools, Can Tho city
Main Article Content
Educating and managing life skills activities, managers aim to organize activities of teachers, students, and other educational forces, maximizing social resources for practices. In reality, when developing teaching programs and classroom teaching content, teachers must develop three goals: providing knowledge, training skills, and forming attitudes. However, it can be said that due to time constraints, teachers tend to focus on providing knowledge and pay little attention to training life skills, especially how to behave socially, cope, and integrate with others. This article addresses the measures: raising awareness of managers and teachers; planning innovation; strengthening direction and organizing training for teacher capacity improvement; increase investment in facilities and equipment, improve work in inspection and evaluation; strengthening coordination and mobilization of educational resources for life skills education for middle school students. If all six of the above-mentioned measures are applied synchronously, it will improve the effectiveness of life skills education activities for students, effectively contributing to the process of comprehensive personality development, and enhancing high-quality comprehensive education and training.
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Life skills education, management, secondary school.
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