Non-verbal language application in language teaching and learning in the English classroom: A systematic review study

Phuong Linh Nguyen1, , Thi My Duyen Huynh2
1 Faculty of Foreign Languages, Ho Chi Minh City University of Banking, Vietnam
2 Faculty of Foreign Languages, Tay Do University, Vietnam

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The weight of non-verbal language application is strongly believed to significantly offer several benefits to language teaching and learning. This paper is a critical and systematic analysis of available literature on the application of non-verbal language in the English classroom context. Specifically, it investigates common types of non-verbal language used in the English classroom. In addition, the paper focuses on highlighting the effects of non-verbal language on teachers and students in terms of knowledge transferring and understanding, teaching and learning motivation and language communication. Finally, it looks into some rules and techniques to implement non-verbal language in the educational context. The research findings provide a comprehensive overview of the application of non-verbal language in order to enrich teachers’ teaching experience, boost up the students’ performance as well as competence, improve learning outcomes, and increase the quality of language teaching and learning.

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