Current preschool teacher development to meet educational reform requirements in Cai Be district, Tien Giang province

Thi Anh Suong Huynh1,
1 Postgraduate, Dong Thap University, Cao Lanh city 870000, Vietnam

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The development of preschool teachers is an urgent and ongoing task of the education sector determining the success of educational reform efforts. To develop preschool institutions and teaching staff level management based on practical grounds in Cai Be district, Tien Giang province in line with the demands of educational reform, this article presents the results of surveying the opinions of 190 managers and preschool teachers regarding the current state of teacher development in this research site. The evaluation covers various aspects, including: developing a teacher development plan; recruiting and utilizing the teaching staff; training and professional development of teachers; monitoring and assessing the development of preschool teachers; implementing reward and recognition systems; and creating favorable conditions for the activities of the preschool teaching staff.

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