The current situation of managing experiential activities for primary school students in Can Duoc district, Long An province

Phạm Linh Phương Đoàn1,2,
1 Postgraduate, Dong Thap University, Cao Lanh 870000, Vietnam
2 Long Trạch Primary School, Long An province, Vietnam

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The 2018 General Education Program emphasized the importance of experiential activities in developing students' qualities and competencies, particularly at the primary school level. This stage is crucial for shaping children's awareness, character, and life skills. The article presents the current situation of managing experiential activities for primary school students in Can Duoc District, Long An Province. A survey questionnaire was distributed to administrators, teachers, and students from 11 primary schools in Can Duoc district. The survey results were processed using a 5-level scale to calculate percentages, mean scores, standard deviations, and rankings. The findings show that although the management task on these activities in this area has received attention from schools and seen some positive changes in recent years, shortcomings exist. These findings provide a practical basis for proposing solutions to improve the quality of managing experiential activities for students in primary schools in Can Duoc district, Long An province in the near future.

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