Solutions to improve the efficiency of cooperation between Quang Nam University and tourism businesses

Thi Thanh Ly Ho1, , Van Anh Tran2, Thi Tien Bui1
1 Department of Economic - Tourism, Quang Nam University, Vietnam
2 Department of Tourism, Dong A University, Vietnam

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Improving the efficiency of cooperation between schools and businesses is always the concern of training schools. Quang Nam University has trained human resources for tourism sector quite early. Graduates’ employment rate is fairly high and they are recognized by tourism businesses. This achievement is due to the cooperation and association with enterprises. However, the scale of training in the tourism industry is still small, the training program has not sufficiently met labor market needs, funding sources and cooperation mechanisms have not been formed to create an adequate legal corridor for the units to actively deploy. The cooperation between the school and enterprises in human resource training is still formalistic and has only achieved results in some aspects. Besides, it is not comprehensive and specific in content, and the enterprises’ potential has not been fully exploited. Therefore, it is necessary to study and come up with practical solutions to limit shortcomings and ensure more effective and substantive cooperation.

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