Applying Stella model to caculate water balance for the dike enclosures

Van Tuan Nguyen1
1 An Giang University

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The study focused on using dynamic system software (STELLA) to develop a water balance model for the researched site,based on the fluctuation of water supply to the region and the amount of water consumed. Thereby, it calculated the amount of stored water for the researched site subject to natural conditions and characteristics of the plants collected in this site in one year’s low rainfall (2011-2012), examined (2014-2015) and one year’s large rainfall (2013-2014), examined (2015-2016). The results show that the amount of water stored in the site is seriously deficient. Specifically, the low rainfall year had water storage of -207, 6x1010 m3, while the large rainfall year was -149.5x1010 m3. These findings provide scientific grounds for the local authorities to select solutions to operate the irrigation systems during the flood season.

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