Solutions to preserve and promote the traditional weaving handicraft in Tan Phuoc District, Tien Giang Province from a cultural perspective

Thi Thanh Ngo1, , Thi Phuong Em Nguyen2
1 Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Tien Giang University, Vietnam
2 Faculty of Natural Sciences, Tien Giang University, Vietnam

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With its lowland and heavily alum-contaminated soil, Tan Phuoc district of Tien Giang province is considered as the kingdom of flora such as acacia auriculiformis, elaeocarpus, annona reticulata, Chinese water chestnut, and lepironia articulata. Since the earliest days of land reclamation, the inhabitants have used lepironia articulata to make useful products for life. Over the years, this handicraft has become a special occupation widespread throughout the acid sulphate soils and saline water area of the district. Currently, like other traditional handicrafts, the traditional weaving handicraft in Tan Phuoc is faced with alteration. Unless certain preservation and development are done, this handicraft would be gradually lost in the future. By applying methods of analysis, comparison, fieldwork and SWOT analysis, the study has initially identified the realistic situation of preserving the handicraft from a cultural perspective; thereby, proposing solutions to preserve cultural values for its sustainable development.

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