Using extracted solution from Plumbago zeylanica L. on Macrobrachium rosenbergii larval rearing

Le Hoang Yen Nguyen

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The study was conducted to assess the influence of the extraction method and a dosage extract fromPlumbago zeylanica added in the water rearing Macrobrachium rosenbergii larvae. Plumbago zeylanicawas extracted by two methods: (i) boiling the leaves in distilled water and (ii) soaking them in ethanol 70%. Solution Plumbago zeylanica used of four dosages 0 (control), 200, 300 and 400 g/m3. The results showed that, added extracted solution Plumbago zeylanica in larval rearing water helped increase the survival rate of postlarvae, reduce the risk of certain groups of ectoparasites, partly increasing productivity in Macrobrachium rosenbergii larvae rearing.

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