Tình hình nhiễm sán lá gan trên bò tại tỉnh Đồng Tháp

Huỳnh Hồng Vũ Ha1, Ngoc Thanh Vo1, Minh Quang Ho1
1 Dong Thap University

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The result of examining 980 fecal samples of cattle of 3 races - dairy cattle, Sind cattle, domestic cattle aged <1, 1-2, >2 in 4 districts of Dong Thap Province showed that the prevalence of infection with Fasciola in cattle was rather high (53.26%) in which Thap Muoi District had the highest rate (57.41%), the second one was of Tam Nong (55.75%), Hong Ngu (55,17%) and Lai Vung was the lowest one (47%). Domestic cattle had the higher rate than Sind cattle (59.80% and 53.38% respectively) and the lowest rate was of dairy cattle (33.08%). Fasiola infected cattle tends to increase by age. There were 2 species of liver fluke found - Fasciola spp. and Paramphistomum explanatum in which Fasciola spp. Commonly appeared with higher rate (45.77%) compared to Paramphistomum explanatum (18,96%).

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