Diversity and distribution of soil invertebrates in Cu Lao Dung district, Soc Trang province

Thi Anh Thu Tran1, , Van Vung Cao2, Anh Tai Tran2, Hai Dang Lam3
1 School of Education, Can Tho University, Vietnam
2 Student, School of Education, Can Tho University, Vietnam
3 Reasearcher, School of Education, Can Tho University, Vietnam

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Soil invertebrates were sampled in rainy season (August 2019) from three habitats: perennial garden, short-term garden and mangrove edge of Cu Lao Dung district, Soc Trang province. A total of 41 species, belonging to 35 genera in 25 families were recorded. Among them, spiders is the most diverse group with 21 species, followed respectively by earthworms 07 species, centipedes 05 species, landsnails and millipedes 04 species each. For the fi rst time, one order, three families, eight genera and ten species of Mesofauna group were recorded in Vietnam. Statistical results indicate that Mesofauna groups have little diff erence in species diversity among the three habitats but distribution density tends to decrease towards the sea. It is suggested that pH of soil may contribute to the distribution of soil invertebrates in this area.

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