Treating of pineapple waste with rice straw by fermentation method and reusing it as feed for ruminant cattle

Thi Ngoc Trang Nguyen1,
1 Faculty of Natural Resources – Environment, Kien Giang University, Vietnam

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The study aims to ferment pineapple-rice straw waste to yield feed for ruminant animals and analyse factors that affected demand for fermented ruminat feed. The experiment was designed with 4 treatments and 4 repetitions, respectively 30%, 45%, 60%, and 75% of fresh pineapple waste added to the rice straw. Sensory evaluation, pH and NH3 were performed at 0, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days. In addition, 60 households involved were interviewed to analyse factors that affected demand for fermented ruminat feed.

The results show that after 28 days, the treatment of 75% pineapple waste reached a good quality, namely value of pH was 4.03 and NH3 was 166 (mg / kg of dry matter). Factors affected demand for fermented ruminat feed were analysed by model of multivariable linear regression (P<0,05; R2 adjust 0,767). The interest in food origin of households is an important factor affecting the demand for fermented feed (Beta = 0.468). Accordingly, fermented products from treatment 75% of pineapple waste and straw (NT 75%) can be used as a source of feed for ruminants.   

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