Producing adsorbents of cellulose nanocrytals - alginate hydrogel beads for efficient removal of dye in water

Nang An Vu1, , Thi Hong Hoa Vo2, Van Hieu Le1
1 Viet Nam National University, Ho Chi Minh City University of Science, Vietnam
2 Student, Viet Nam National University, Ho Chi Minh City University of Science, Vietnam

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In this study, recyclable adsorbentsmade of nanocellulose and alginate were developed. Nanocellulose wasobtained by acid hydrolysis of cellulose, isolated from sugarcane bagasse (SCB). TEM analysis showed that the obtained nanocellulose was rod-like in structure with high aspect ratio. Nanocellulose - alginate hydrogel beads were prepared by an ionotropic gelation method using Ca2+ ions. The adsorption behavior of  methylene blue by  spherical (nanocellulose - alginate) hydrogel  beads was  studied  by  varying  the  initial  dye  concentrations, contact time, and adsorbent dosage. These hydrogel beads displayed an improved adsorption capacitycompared to the pure alginate hydrogel.

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