Studying the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of the ethanol extract from the upper parts of Enhydra Fluctuans Lour. in vitro
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In Vietnam, Enhydra fluctuans Lour (E. fl ucatuans L.) is very popular and considered as a common food. This study was aimed to assess antioxidant and anti-infl ammatory activity in vitro as well as initially identifying the chemical composition of the extract from the upper parts (i.e. stem and leaves) of this vegetable. The antioxidant effi cacy of the ethanol extract was determined based on its ability to neutralize free DPPH, ABTS•+ radicals and the reducing power (RP). The anti-infl ammatory ability of the extract was investigated through the activity of inhibition in protein denaturation. The results showed that the upper parts of E. fl uctuans was able to neutralize free DPPH, ABTS•+ radicals and RP corresponding to IC50 values, respectively 53.36±0.68, 66.36 ±1.47 μg/mL and 74.17±2.27 μg/mL. The compounds of ethanol extract have the anti-infl ammatory activity in vitro of IC50=66.19±3.10 μg/mL. The chemical composition of the upper parts include alkaloids, fl avonoids, steroids, tannins and glycosides. The total fl avonoid and polyphenol contents in the extract from the upper parts were found with the values of 16.73±1.37 mg GAE/g and 138.30±1.89 mg QE/g, respectively. However, saponin compounds were not detected. This shows that the upper parts of E fl uctuans have many potential applications in the fi eld of medicial herbs on antioxidant compounds helping the treatment of diseases caused by oxidative stress and infl ammation.
Enhydra fluctuans Lour., Asteraceae, antioxidant, anti-infl ammatory
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