Organizing project-based learning “Designing an aquatic ecosystem”, Ecology and Environment section, in Grade 12 Biology
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Project-based learning (PBL) is an active teaching method and in recent years has been widely implemented in high schools with many advantages. This method helps students approach Biology knowledge through projects, in which the students have to solve a real-life problem and create a specific product. Therefore, through PBL, teachers help students orientate the development of competencies and qualities, associating with textbook knowledge and practice. This article describes the process of organizing a teaching and learning project on the topic "Designing aquatic ecosystems", section Ecology and Environment, Biology in Grade 12. It is one of the topics closely related to life. On this project theme, students are to apply their knowledge of real-life problem solving, specifically designing a balanced, time-stable aquatic ecosystem, emphasizing the development of learning capacity to discover the world and applying knowledge and skills learned of Grade 12 students, improve the quality of educational activities of the General Education Curriculum 2018.
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General Education Curriculum 2018, project-based learning, ecosystem, aquatic ecosystem, Biology in grade 12
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