The role, quality, and competence of teachers in online learning and teaching

Thi Le Nuong Cai1, , Sac Thai2
1 Office of Student Affairs, Dong Thap University, Vietnam
2 Dong Thap Art and Literature Association, Vietnam

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The role, quality, and competence of teachers in learning and teaching activities is extremely important. In online learning and teaching these factors are even more important and critical for the learning and teaching activities and process. To demonstrate perfectly in the aforementioned factors, in addition to professional and pedagogical capacity, teachers must equip themselves with knowledge and skills in the field of informatics, Internet, Internet connection. Additionally, when conducting online learning and teaching, teachers must pay close attention to the aspect of reducing the content of the program and textbooks, as well as being proactive and creative in innovating learning and teaching methods appropriately. In order for online learning and teaching to get more and more effective, teachers at best need attend to self-improvement of learning and teaching facilities, equipment, and tools.

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