Management measures for life skills education activities for high school students in Ninh Kieu district, Can Tho city
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Managing life skills education activities for students involves equipping them with healthy behaviors, helping them gain life experiences, and fostering cultural and human values relevant to the current era. This process provides students with a solid foundation to transition to new environments and relationships. To provide a basis for proposing feasible measures for managing life skills education activities for high schools in Ninh Kieu District, Can Tho City, we conducted an assessment of the current management status of life skills education activities in four high schools in the district. It involved surveying the opinions of administrators, teachers, parents, and students using a 5-level Likert scale questionnaire. The survey results indicate that the concerned task in the district has received attention and achieved certain outcomes. However, there are still existing limitations and shortcomings to be noted. Based on these findings, this paper proposes seven measures for improvement on the related issues.
High school students, life skills education, management.
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