Perceived social distancing and barriers of online learning effectiveness: The mediating role of social interaction lack in the covid-19 pandemic
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This study examines social interaction lack, perceived social distancing, and barriers to online learning effectiveness among students of Economics and Business Administration Faculty, An Giang University. Also, it tests social interaction lack as a mediator between perceived social distancing and barriers to effective online learning. Data is collected from 230 students. EFA analysis method and SEM linear structure are used to assess the reliability of the scale and theoretical model. The results show that (1) Perceived social distancing negatively impacts online learning effectiveness; (2) Social interaction lack as a partial mediator significantly hinders effective online learning. This explains that the barrier to effective online learning is due to social interaction lack between teachers and learners. Research results are the basis for instructors to further promote an interactive environment in their online classes.
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Covid-19, effectiveness, online learning, social interaction, social distancing
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