Developing an English training program towards a standardized competence-based approach at Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry

Kieu Hanh Vu1, , Thi Cuong Hoang2
1 Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry
2 International School, Thai Nguyen University

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Developing university training programs is an urgent requirement of Vietnamese education in the context of innovation and integration. The world’s current education is to develop learner-competence-based programs. Accordingly, English language training programs at universities should focus on developing learner competences, including: knowledge, skills and attitudes, focusing on interrelations between theory and reality, study and practice, knowledge and culture instruction, etc. so that learners can meet the increasing requirements of society. At Thai Nguyen University of Agricuture and Forestry, English is a subject particularly important in the training system. The article addresses some theoretical issues in curriculum development such as perceptions of curriculum, different approaches in curriculum development; thereby backing the procedure to build English language training programs towards the competence-based approach.

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