Studying optical spectral of Tb3+ and Sm3+ ions co – doped in alkali borate glasses

Sy Tai Hoang1, , Ngoc Tran1
1 Quang Binh University

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Spectroscopic properties of Tb3+ and Sm3+ ions doped alkali metal borate glasses (70-x-y)B2O3.15Li2CO­­3.15Na2CO3.xTb2O3.ySm2O3 (BLN: Tb, Sm) fabricated by melting method have been studied. The emission intensity BLN: Tb, Sm glasses is influenced by the Tb3+ and Sm3+ doping content, and the optimum concentrations of Tb3+ and Sm3+ are 0.75  mol% and 1.0 mol%, respectively. The results indicate that BLN: Tb3+ and Sm3+glasses produce double emission (green to red color) via nearby ultraviolet light stimulation and can be promising for white light emitting diodes.

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