Current tuition of higher vocational education in Viet Nam

Anh Tuan Phan1,
1 PhD Student, Research Institute of Education Economics and Management, The University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing City, China

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Cost and solvency are two basic attributes to constitute tuition standards of a training program. However, the tuition of higher vocational education in Vietnam in recent years is low with slow growth, but exceeds students’ solvency, especially for those of low income families. On statistically analyzing 2010–2015 year’s tuition of higher vocational education, this article identifies its internal contradictions and limitations, which are directly impacted by the excessive increase in CPI, but a slow one in GDP per capita and student loan programs limited. Thereby, the article suggests a number of suitable recommendations and solutions. Hopefully, these solutions are practically useful to perfect the tuition issue in question.

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