Extraction of anthocyanin from roselle (Hibiscus Sabdariffa L.) and its utilization as colourants for gummy candy

Ai Lan Tran, Ngoc Hoa Phan, Le Dieu Hien Pham

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This article aims to study the extraction of Roselle calyxes for making a natural colorant in gummy candy. The water extraction (with and without enzyme Pectinex Ultra SP-L) was conducted by five factors: roselle/water ratio; pH; temperature; time and enzyme dose. The obtained extraction is used for colorants in gummy candy. The extraction ratio placed in gummy candy was examined by physicochemical, biological and sensory properties. The extraction results obtained by enzyme Pectinex Ultra SP-L were 0.18%v/w; 1:30 (w/w) of Roselle/water ratio; pH 3.4 in 75 minutes at 540C. With the extraction/sugar ratio of 30/45 ml/g, it made a good coloring product as expected.

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