Sự thỏa mãn của khách hàng đối với trang web mua sắm theo nhóm qua mạng Hotdeal.vn

Nam Khanh Giao Ha, Huu Tan Ho

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The research aims at identifying the level of satisfaction and the factors affecting the satisfaction of customers of the group buying website - Hotdeal.vn. by using the measurement tool of EtailQ. From the analyzed data, it can be seen that the customers’ satisfaction with the website Hotdeal.vn is at average. The result of verifying the reliability by Cronbach’s Alpha, the factor and multiple regression analysis tool, shows that 4 main factors affecting the satisfaction of the customers using the website Hotdeal.vn can be ranked in order: “Security”, “Reliability”, “Customer Service”, “Website Design”. Thence, the research reveals some suggestions to improve and enhance the service quality of the website Hotdeal.vn to have better customer satisfaction.

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