Analyzing issues on personal information security in Vietnam legal documents

Nhu Ý Le1, , Minh Hieu Nguyen1, Thi Ngoc Linh Nguyen1
1 University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City

Main Article Content


On the increasingly complicated situation of personal information infringement, legal regulations have important and practical meanings in managing and ensuring safety for each person and social security. This article analyzes the provisions relating to these issues in the current Vietnamese legal document system and presents main problems embedded, namely (1) concepts of personal information, (2) personal information disclosure, (3) personal information theft, (4) misrepresenting personal information, (5) forging personal information, (6) hacking information system, and (7) unauthorized use of personal information. Then, this article provides several evaluations and recommendations about Vietnam's current legal system for protecting personal data.

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