Enhancing students’ mathematical competence in learning spatial geometry in grade 11th through practical and experiential activities
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Tóm tắt
This study embarks on enriching 11th-grade students' mathematical competencies, particularly in spatial geometry, through experiential learning. Specifically, the study focused on the practical concepts of perpendicular and parallel relationships in space. Following the qualitative approach, we collected and analyzed the data of the students' behaviors observed within a teaching scenario, which was specifically designed for them to apply their knowledge to the task "determining the classroom's center". The scenario involved three phases: defining the "classroom center," problem-solving in the classroom, and group presentations analyzing each other's methods. The results showed that all student groups successfully solved the task, which was implemented in a serious way using their mathematical understanding in a real-life context. Thus, students enhanced their two mathematical competencies, including mathematical problem handling competency (posing and solving mathematical problems) and mathematical communication competency (communicating in, with and about mathematics). This study underscores the effectiveness of practical and experiential activities in enhancing mathematical competencies among high school students, specifically within spatial geometry. It highlights the benefits of applying mathematical concepts to practical situations, promoting more profound understanding and student engagement.
Từ khóa
Mathematical competencies, practical and experiential activities, spatial geometry.
Chi tiết bài viết

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Tài liệu tham khảo
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