Some measures to directly develop students’ mathematical reasoning through solving algebra problem complex in Math 10

Văn Khang Nguyễn1, Mai Le Hoang
1 Trường THPT Vĩnh Thuận, Kiên Giang

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Developing general mathematical competence as well as reasoning abilities in teaching high school mathematics in particular, plays an important role in meeting the goals of the 2018 General Education Mathematics Program. In this Program, the content of the topic of Algebra problem complex in Math 10 has several concepts applied to solve practical problems. In addition to providing the necessary concepts and tools to solve common counting problems in real life, one of the direct applications is to serve the learning of probability content in the mathematics program. In general, the content of this topic is relatively difficult and quite abstract for grade 10 students. Through the types of exercises on this topic, students have many opportunities to develop general mathematical competences, and mathematical reasoning abilities for students in particular. This article provides orientations and measures to develop mathematical reasoning ability for 10th grade students through teaching and solving Algebra problem complex of Math 10 for teaching improvement, meeting the goals of the 2018 general education program.

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