Current pig-respiratory diseases in the piggery, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry and treatment measures

Van Tuyen Nguyen1, , Thi Mai Lan Dang1, Van Phong Lo1, Van Toan Nguyen1, Thi Nguyen Thao Vu1, Thi Kieu Trang Nguyen1
1 Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry

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The respiratory syndrome on pigs at the piggery at Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry is very prevalent, accounting for 45.28%. Post-weaning pigs, 2 months old, suffer this disease most, 37.74%. Common symptoms include cough, fatigue, tiredness, appetite loss, runny noises and eyes, fever, sitting-dog-like breaths. The disease lesions are lung-bleeding, swollen lymph nodes, thin-skin cyanosis, pericardial inflammation, etc. The two treatment types were highly effective with the recovery rate from 79.17% to 91.67%. However, the treatment with Tobramycin - Tylosin was better than that with Gentamycin - Tylosin.

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